Aba Al-Khail Company was founded by Sheikh Ali bin Saleh Aba Al-Khail (may Allah have mercy on him) as an individual institution from the fourteenth century AH of the market Qubbat-Rasheed based Buraydah, which is the oldest market in the city of Buraydah where he established, in 1206 before Migration · In 1418 H (1997 AD) accomplished by his Sons and continued development at the opening of new branches and expend the further business activities In 1429 --(2008) has been registered officially by the name of Jiad Al-Qassim United Group of companies as a branch of the group The Group has a large factory more than 18,000 square meter with manufacturing facilities in the first industrial area in Al-Qassim, Buraydah. Including all the necessary require constructions for preparations by a qualified team work The factory also follows the international quality standards, equipped with the latest production Halls and laboratory to ensure the…
More..Our vision Be a factory is the pioneer in the field of coffee products and derivatives and spices excellence and unique flavor that combines the past originality of the ancient and the modern, present-present and retain the uniqueness supplying the finest varieties that we offer to the consumer as products with nutritional value and with a distinct flavor of guaranteed quality. Maintain our leadership and our leadership position in the Saudi market through excellence in sales, and implement competitive marketing plans, in addition to effective distribution.
More..(العربية) كوفي قهوة سريعة التحضير 60 جرام
كوفي قهوة سريعة التحضير 60 جرام
الكرتون يحتوي على = 48 علبة
لقراءة المزيد(العربية) قهوة عربية سريعة التحضير 250 جرام
قهوة خيال العربية (سريعة التحضير)
قهوة عربية سريعة التحضير
لقراءة المزيد
(العربية) قهوة عربية سريعة التحضير 2 جرام
قهوة خيال العربية (سريعة التحضير)
قهوة عربية سريعة التحضير
لقراءة المزيد
(العربية) خلطة القصيم بنكهة الزعفران 125 جرام
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لقراءة المزيدCommitment to quality Offer the best Arabic coffee products and derivatives are derived confidence from our deep belief and noble human values and motivates us our constant endeavor to renewal and development through better qualified personnel, and the use of high-quality raw ingredients. Actor competitive presence in the market - Achieving broad distribution base. - Ensure the effective presence and visibility in all points of sale. Sure we understand the expectations of the market - Understand the real needs of the consumer. - Anticipate and monitor developments arena and developments. Marketing focused on consumers and customers - Strategic thinking, and the balance between long-term planning and short term results. - Creativity creative, to remain different without losing relevant to what matters. Based on the objectives and results of Directors - Based on the adoption of clear guidance and incentives of higher performance standards. - Sharing of responsibilities, and to…